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The Book of Luke-Journey through the Bible-DVD & Materials
DVD Certificate Track:
(Includes shipping and handling.)
SKU: 9017E
DVD(s) and Book(s)
Product Added:
April 18th, 2016
Luke, the writer of the Gospel of Luke, also was the writer of the Book of Acts. In effect, Luke is a writer of two books in one, Luke and Acts. For the purposes of our study we will teach them in two separate courses.
Luke was a medical doctor and probably a Greek. He joined Paul’s evangelistic missionary team as a full-time member and was very close to St. Paul. Luke had the inquiring mind of a doctor. He was profoundly interested in every facet of our Lord Jesus’ life.
Study this book of the Bible to learn that Luke mentions Jesus as the Son of Man on countless occasions, more than any other writer. When he refers to the Son of Man, he is probably speaking primarily to the humanity of Jesus, who entered into your and my humanity, sitting where we sit, feeling what we feel, experiencing everything we go through, that He might be tested in every way that we are and be touched by the feelings of our infirmities.
Jesus, through His humanity, depending on the Word of God, His faith in God, and the Holy Spirit, would use only those things which are available to you and me as Christians today to overcome this world and the things in it and to be a triumphant child of God.
Product Features:
Courses for the Journey through the Bible DVD Certificate Track include class sessions on DVD and a workbook. A Certificate of Completion will be issued when the videos and workbook are completed and assignments mailed to the Oral Roberts Ministries for evaluation and recording. A Certificate of Completion is not awarded without the completion of the workbook assignments.
It is recommended that students use their personal copy of The Holy Bible when watching class sessions as Richard and Lindsay often refer to scripture as a part of the lessons.
Product Details:
Class sessions are mailed to students on DVD along with a printed workbook. Students are required to watch the class sessions, complete all workbook assignments, and mail a self-assessment questionnaire (class session quizzes) to the Oral Roberts Ministries for evaluation and recording. Students who watch all required class sessions and satisfactorily complete and submit the self-assessment questionnaire will be mailed a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of each course in the series. Students who complete certificate requirements for all Journey through the Bible series courses (Genesis through Revelation) will be mailed an Advanced Journey through the Bible Certificate at the conclusion of the entire series.
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