
Oral Roberts Tent Crusade Favorites

 Oral Roberts Tent Crusade Favorites

Oral Roberts Tent Crusade Favorites

3 DVD Set (12 Sermons)

SKU: 2528

In the 1940s–50s, Oral Roberts conducted amazing evangelistic crusades throughout the U.S. These meetings made the news not just because Oral’s enormous tent cathedral seated 12,000 people in its heyday, but because life-changing healings took place under his ministry. People were so hungry for the power of God that they lined the outside of the tent by the thousands, standing 4 to 6 people deep, just to hear the message being preached to those inside.

These powerful tent crusade meetings are still changing lives today. Designed to help you turn your faith loose, Oral Roberts’ messages encourage you to reach out to God for the miracles you need. The anointing of God on these sermons (12 sermons on 3 discs), delivered in the 1950s, still resonate with those who desire God’s miraculous power in their lives. Watch them in faith and hope of your deliverance by the Lord, and turn your faith loose for miracles, in Jesus’ name!
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